Forgotten Foods

Services - Sparsh Skin Clinic

Forgotten foods are more than 10,000 edible plant species, despite the globalisation, we have limited our options to mostly genetically modified and commercially available crops. There are many simple ethnic fruits, vegetables and grains. Some of which are being lost. We take a relook at them, to carry the healthy past into the future.

Fruit Detox

Fruit Detox

Fruit detox has been much talked about and has always been “ In Vogue”. Not all fruits are made equal and not all are made for everyone. We often tell people that some fruits are not “made for each other”, implying avoiding some combinations.

Water Detox Benefits

Water Detox Benefits

Studies have found people forcing themselves with too much water, or starving the body in a chronic state of dehydration. More than 2/3rds of us is nothing but water. If we get this element right, we get the biggest element in a healthy body right.

Healthy Cooking

Services - Sparsh Skin Clinic

We may buy the best and most nutritious foods for healthy cooking, but the right processing matters the most. Just like we may buy the best books but need to study well to clear an exam. Same way too much and too little cooking can kill nutrition. Different methods are needed to unlock the most […]

Diet Plan for Teenage

Diet Plan for Teenage

Teenage needs are very specific and rapidly changing. The phase of life is important to prevent long term damaging changes in hormone and bone health. The additional hormonal and psychological changes compound the issue. The Sparsh solution is simple and motivates the teenager to get on track.

High Protein Diet

High Protein Diet

This is the question of balance, too much and too little both can be extremely detrimental. We need to periodically balance and cleanse after a high protein diet. In some specific cases where low protein is recommended, we must plan to ensure there is no catabolism.

Fatty Liver

Services - Sparsh Skin Clinic

India is one big hub of this silent problem of Non-Alcoholic fatty liver. Liver is the seat of a major chunk of the body’s metabolism, small changes may have far reaching consequences on health. Many times for initial grade 1 and 2 doctors will recommend no treatment other than “lifestyle” changes. A diet specific to […]

Detox Diet Plan

Detox Diet Plan

This forms, core of The Sparsh diet, we use principles of Ayurved and Naturopathy to synergize the detox diet plan. It should be a symphony between you and your food, and it will be individualized.

Food Cravings

Services - Sparsh Skin Clinic

We all have dealt with food cravings, and they can rip apart any diet regime. We know they are tough to fight, we can fight them for some time only a few win the war. But many times the war is won but battle against cravings is lost to another craving. We recommend a combination […]