
Not responding to regular treatment?

Having to take recurrent courses of antibiotics?

Having to take isotretinoin for a long time and facing the side effects?

The reason for your acne to keep recurring and popping up again and again despite regular causes of treatments and sticking to your doctor’s advice may be due to a host of factors mentioned here.

The factors that can cause recurrent acne and failure of treatment to cure,  are may be related to some hidden and commonly missed factors like lack of sleep, poor emotional health, or too much stress.

A diet very high in Dairy or very high in carbs refined carbs,  is known to aggravate pimples.

It is not that you have to significantly curtail your lifestyle for a very long time to get rid of acne.  even the few days 2-3 weeks of balancing the body bringing balance to Lifestyle diet and a Detox according to body type go a long way in helping,  treat acne permanently.

There is a whole bunch of evidence for the gut microbiome causing hormonal and metabolic imbalance.

There is increasing understanding in western medicine now about the role of gut health in things like acne.

Also, recurring teenage and adult acne may be a sign of poor metabolic health or an indicator of metabolic syndrome setting in.

One doesn’t need to feel demotivated and dejected in such a scenario.

At Sparsh skin clinic, doctors understand the psychological impact of acne.

We, therefore, recommend a combination of diet lifestyle modifications as per body type in Synergy with principles of Ayurveda Naturopathy and clinical Yog. All this is done in a safe scientific and evidence-based manner.

Extremely important to incorporate dietary changes and modifications as per body type,  it is imperative not to follow fad diets. Also, a clear understanding of the fact that what worked for someone else may not work for you, helps make the right choices.

Acne not only needs to be managed externally it also needs to be managed from within.  So let us treat the root cause of acne,  using the best of modern medicine and traditional wisdom.

Our signature Detox plans,  a long way in rebalancing the gut flora.

Join us for our yogic Detox plan,  for more comprehensive management of acne.  with the availability of online consultations,  we have a dermatologist near you.

 it is not just the signature Detox plans but also comprehensive anti-acne treatments using Alma lasers, the clearskin laser, resorcinol, and other chemical peels that go a long way in enhancing acne outcomes.


Sparsh Skin Clinic

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