Salicylic Acid Peel

Salicylic Acid Peel

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Salicylic acid Peel comes from a family of beta hydroxy acids like, the A.H.A or fruit acid family.There are generally of natural origin, and are chemically related to family of Inflammation reducing medicines like aspirin ets.When these compounds are used on the skin they have the following effects.

  1. Helping in loosening of dead skin cells and cell renewal.
  2. Kill acne causing germs.
  3. Reduce blockage in pores of skin and reduce black & white heads.
  4. They enhance penetration and efficiency of other medication.
  5. Reduce oiliness of skin.
  6. Help in treatment of many tough thick skin conditions,when used in a concentration of 3%-30%.

However we must always use this under the supervision of a doctor.Salicylic use may cause irritation,redness and sensitivity of skin in some persons.

An important factor to note here is that one must not use salicylic on large body areas in one go.

When using some of the products of salicylic for skin problems some “ WHITE FROST” may form on skin.Such appearance may be expected when higher supervision, and happens usually when higher concentrations are used. Such appearance should not happen when using for self.

Is the Salicylic Acid Peel Right For Your Skin Type?

A Salicylic Acid Peel is suitable for all skin types. If you are suffering from superficial acne and pimple marks, then SAP is the right peel for your skin. Pregnant or breastfeeding women and individuals who suffer from severe acne should not opt for this peel.

Clinical Procedure of Salicylic Acid Peel Treatment

Here are a few steps you can expect if you opt for a salicylic acid peel treatment at a reputed skin clinic:

  • The first step at a skin clinic would be a careful examination of your condition by a dermatologist to find out whether you need a light, medium or deep peel.
  • A trained therapist will then clean and degrease your skin to ensure uniform penetration of peel.
  • Next, the dermatologist will gently apply the required concentration and quantity of peel on your skin.
  • You might experience a slight itching and tingling sensation for a couple of minutes, which is temporary.
  • Once the dermatologist neutralises the peel, you may notice mild redness on the skin, which will reduce with the use of cold compression or may fade in a couple of hours.
  • The therapist will apply sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun and keep the treated area moisturised.
  • Your doctor will share a few post-care instructions with you. Follow them diligently, by always using a good sunscreen, avoiding sun exposure as much as possible, not picking at the peeling skin, using a good moisturiser, and not exercising for 24 hours after the treatment.

Precautions to Take When Undergoing a Salicylic Acid Peel

Keep the following pointers in mind while getting a Salicylic Acid Peel:

  • Ensure that you do not shave, use masks, scrubs or exfoliate at least 72 hours before applying the peel. Try to avoid tanning and sun exposure while undergoing the peel treatment. Ideally, avoid waxing one week before and after the procedure.
  • Avoid the use of loofahs, facial masks, products with glycolic or lactic acid and Vitamin A. Do not undergo electrolysis and dermabrasion before and after the treatment.
  • If you have a cold sore, undergo the SAP treatment only after you recover.
  • Share information about your allergies, skin conditions, medications, and complete medical history with your dermatologist.

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