
Ralyden-s Shampoo

75 g


Anti-dandruff, Scalp Cleansing Shampoo
Ideal For: Men & Women
Suitable For: All Hair Types
Composition: Salicylic Acid, ZPTO, Hydrolysed protein

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Only for in-house patients

Consult Dr. Sharma


RALYDEN-S Shampoo is a combination of effective ingredients to fight against dandruff and maintain healthy hair. Cleans the scalp skin & helps controls odour by getting rid of micro-organisms. The three-stage treatment provides effective, complete care to the scalp: with scalp nourishing ingredients, mild cleansers and anti-flake actives. It targets itchy flaky scalp and bacterial and fungal infections. The nourishing and hydrating formulation gives shine and bounces to hair.

  Active Ingredients

 Salicylic Acid:

Prevent sebum build-up, reduce the risk of acne developing scalp, reduces the formation of dandruff, and keep the scalp free from dead & flaky skin.



Improve the health, body and appearance of hair, cleans the skin on the scalp, and help control odour by getting rid of the scalp the microorganisms.


Hydrolysed protein:

Reduces hair porosity and strengthens it from within making hair healthier & shinier, increases the capacity of hair to receive and retain moisture, reduces breakage, eliminates frizz, and tangles & makes hair appear fuller.



75 g


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