Online Consultation

Consult with doctors online at Sparsh Skin Clinic

Disclaimer: In view of the extraordinary circumstances prevailing due to the Corona (CoVID) outbreak regular consultations are being suspended to ensure social isolation and contain spread of the outbreak, in line with the Government instructions. However, as an alternative, telephonic and online consultations are being offered.

Online consultation is based on an assessment of photos and is not a 100% replacement of personal physical examination.

This is only to tide over the period till the situation/restrictions improve, and patient is able to meet the Doctor in person.

It is being given as a service and is entirely up to patient to accept it.The doctors will make their best effort to deliver quality care subject to limitations of the technology . It has to be understood that the technology has limitations and 100% accuracy is not possible. If patients do not want this, they are at liberty to refuse. As soon as the corona situation improves, patients will need to comeback for a proper physical examination.

Please note that telephonic/Online consultation is not a substitute for regular consultation. Doctor can proceed to help patients with alternative methods of consultation, only if the patient accepts these limitations.

Patients need to understand that doctors will not accept any responsibility due to the limitations of the technology and hence not liable for any legal action. Patients will, by accepting the online consultation agree to indemnify the doctors and the clinic from any future legal action.

*Data is not shared with any third parties.

Our Schedule

Working Hours & Sessions

  • 7 Days Open 9:30 AM to 7:00 PM
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